25th Anniversary Edition Study Guide of Evangelium Vitae- The Gospel of Life

John Paul II’s magnificent Encyclical on the sacredness of human life - Evangelium Vitae - The Gospel of Life - was released in Rome 25 years ago, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 1995. The Holy Father makes “a precise and vigorous reaffirmation of the value of human life and its inviolability,” and gives clear reasons why abortion and euthanasia are preeminent moral emergencies of our time.
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This study guide is designed to be used by an individual or group as a side-by-side companion with the Encyclical itself. Each section of the Encyclical should be prayerfully read, followed by use of the study guide as a “springboard” to delve more deeply into the text and to stimulate reflection and discussion.

It is our hope that as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of this encyclical, this study guide will further facilitate the original intent of its writing, as stated by the Holy Father, to “activate a great campaign in support of life” (n. 95).

This study guide is designed to be used by an individual or group as a side-by-side companion with the Encyclical itself. Each section of the Encyclical should be prayerfully read, followed by use of the study guide as a “springboard” to delve more deeply into the text and to stimulate reflection and discussion.

It is our hope that as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of this encyclical, this study guide will further facilitate the original intent of its writing, as stated by the Holy Father, to “activate a great campaign in support of life” (n. 95).

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