This is the short brochure version of Frank Pavone's well-known longer booklet by the same name. It explains the Catholic citizen’s moral obligation to vote and take an active role in the nation's political process. It does not endorse any particular candidate or political party. It stresses the fundamental importance of the right to life, and guides us on how to properly assess candidates, issues, and parties, keeping our loyalty firmly rooted in Christ. Product #3469. Suggested Donation: $.20 each or 100 for $20.00.
This popular little prayer book has been revised and expanded to include additional prayers from Fr. Frank Pavone to enrich your private and public prayer to bring about a culture of life. This little treasury of prayer now includes your favorite novenas, found at, post-abortion healing prayers and more. 58 pages - Item # 125 -
Priests for Life invites all believers to pray for our nation as we approach Election Day. This prayer card will only be available while supplies last.