Suction and Curettage Abortion Diagram

This 81/2 x 11 sheet has four frames depicting the Suction and Cureattge S&C abortion procedure performed on a baby at 9 weeks.. The image was prepared by medical and legal experts. Medical Illustration Copyright © 2013 Nucleus Medical Media (, All rights reserved. Individuals and groups have to contact Nucleus Medical Media to enter a contract for permission to post on a website or print or make copies beyond what is ordered from Priests for Life.

"As a registered nurse working at a pro-life pregnancy help clinic, I would like you to know how much the abortion diagrams (9 week and twenty weeks) from your website are appreciated as a useful educational tool. At our center, we have laminated the diagrams and keep them available in both the counseling rooms and ultrasound area. Several of the counselors have told me that sharing these diagrams has made a difference in the final decision made by some of our patients in continuing a pregnancy. I highly recommend these visual aides as an important tool in education of young women considering abortion. All counseling centers and women's clinics could benefit from their use." Natalie, RN, California

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SKU: 1596
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